Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce

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The Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce fulfills three main functions which affect every business in the county. The Chamber offers services which benefit the entire business and industrial community. Join with us and help us serve Hope and Hempstead County even better.


Promoting Local Business

The Chamber of Commerce maintains a policy of advocating our local businesses first. At every opportunity, the Chamber promotes our local retail community and explains the benefits of tax revenues, jobs created and the overall economic benefits for the entire community which are the result of local citizens shopping Hope and Hempstead County first. It is important to remember that a dollar spent locally turns over several times in the community but a dollar spent in Texarkana is gone forever.

Hope Watermelon Festival

The annual Hope Watermelon Festival is held the second week in August. It is good for the town as it brings tens of thousands of visitors to Hempstead County. Many of our hospitality businesses experience their best time of the year during the festival. In turn, these people have money to spend on other local goods and services following the festival. The festival also gives Hope and Hempstead County untold thousands of dollars worth of free publicity. All of these benefits come from a festival where those attending can still walk through the gates for free.


Information Clearinghouse

The Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce answers a large volume of written and telephone inquiries about businesses, industry, tourism and general community information. At times when we don't have an answer, we will refer the inquiry to the proper place. It is our intent to refer inquiries about types of businesses to every company providing those goods or services, however, we tend to know more and have more information on file about businesses which belong to the Chamber of Commerce.


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact the Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce.

In Writing:

Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 250
204 South Main Street
Hope, AR 71801

By Phone:

(870) 777-3640

By Fax:

(870) 722-6154

By E-mail:

 Membership Form Download(pdf)

Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Staff

Director - Mark Keith

Staff - Novalene Slatton


June Downs

Lavada Keith



Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce

Membership Type


Individual Membership


Owner Operated Business


Small Business (1 to 5 employees)


Medium Business (6 to 19 employees)


Large Business (20 or more employees)


Small Industry (up to 24 employees)


Medium Industry $367.50 (24 to 49 employees)


Large Industry (50 or more employees)


Bank & Financial Institution


New Car Dealer






Civic Clubs


Real Estate (0-1 staff)
2 - 3 staff
4 - 5 staff


Attorney (1)
2 located in same office
3 located in same office


Doctor (1)
2 located in same office
3 located in same office


Accountant (1)
2 located in same office
3 located in same office


 Membership Form Download(pdf)

If you agree with our mission and believe our organization to be worthwhile, we hope you will join us at the Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce. Call us today at 870-777-3640.




Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce

200 South Main  •  P.O. 250  •  Hope, Arkansas 71802

(870) 777-3640  •  Fax (870) 722-6154
Mark Keith, Director